….and no.5 is related to fashion..
Yes, I am aware this is a very sensitive topic that many are afraid to delve into–especially on such a public platform as a blog; a topic that is seen as incredibly complex, unclear, and uncomfortable to talk about. In reality, the situation is quite clear if you’ve done your homework.

 { photos: Alex | location: Rabat, Morocco | shirt: gifted | blouse (worn as cardigan): Zara | boots: c/o Zappos | jeans: h&m | watch: stolen from my mother }

First of all, let’s just all celebrate the recent declared ceasefire–this is a huge step in the road toward peace and freedom! But we can’t forget about what has happened, what currently is on the ground, and that justice still has not been served.
Below is a quick list of 5 things that you need to know about the Israel-Palestine conflict, one of the most controversial and heated topics currently being discussed in the world. It’s one of those issues that you should avoid in interviews. Which is why we’re chatting about it today here 🙂

Nelson Mandela would know an apartheid regime when he sees one. In the words of the South African apartheid fighter himself, “We know too well that our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians.” Segregated roads; ethnic cleansing of all non-Jewish Palestinians; the lack of right to leave or enter freely, have their own recognized government, or own an airport or seaport; being subject to different laws; and always having chance to be taken from their homes at night and indefinitely prisoned without reason are all daily challenges of Palestinians living under Israeli occupation. There are 54 Israeli laws that discriminate against Palestinians. Apartheid is defined as “a policy or system of segregation or discrimination on ground of race” (dictionary.com) and the status (or lack thereof) of Palestinians under Israeli law leaves little room for debate.
(source/more information: Human Rights Watch)

From the 188 countries of the UN, only 9 voted against the recognition of Palestine as a state. The support of Israel should not be, and is not, normalized within greater society. The world is slowly waking up and the Palestinian narrative–which for so many decades has been hidden from mainstream society, is slowly becoming more visible. In fact, the Human Rights Watch as well as several other international human rights organizations are urging Palestine to go to the International Criminal Court for the countless war crimes committed against Palestinian civilians and society.
(source/more information: Human Rights Watch)

1 in 4 Palestinians have been displaced. Since 1947, 85% of the indigenous population of Palestine has been displaced. Today, there are over 7 million Palestinian refugees, making them the largest and longest group of people to have refugee status.
(source/more information: American Friends Service Committee)

Contrary to popular belief, all non-Jewish ethnicities are being prosecuted and driven out of Israel–not just Arab Muslims. Many kindergartens in Israel are even segregated–separate (“but equal” — remind you of anything?) kindergartens for African Americans can be found across Israel.
(source/more information: The Daily Beast)

Both parties involved have been killing innocent civilians–there is no question about that. The life of no human being is more important than another. But what is portrayed in the media as a fair fight between two equally-armed states, is just not the case. The Palestine Authority receives millions in monetary aid each year from countries around the world, most of which goes into rebuilding housing, hospitals, roads, and other infrastructure destroyed by Israel. And Israel? In just 3 years the US alone has given Israel enough weaponry to kill every Palestinian living under occupation 10 times over. On top of US aid, so many American companies–including fashion brands like Victoria’s Secret and others–donate millions to the Israeli army. So through your shopping habits you could be potentially supporting war crimes (not to mention Victoria’s Secret also uses unethical child labor but let’s not get too off track for once–you can read that story here)
Some argue that Israel is simply acting in self-defense. But self-defense is not destroying civilian homes; raping women; using white-phosphorus bombs (aka bombs that break into several pieces and when in contact with skin creates a sort of indistinguishable fire that burns flesh–this is another war crime, btw); and killing, imprisoning, and torturing children.
(sources/more information: Josh Ruebner | Human Rights Watch)

Simply put, history repeats itself. The atrocities of Israel are reminiscent of genocides and apartheids throughout the world’s history. After everything is over and peace is restored, the world always questions how people could have ever supported the perpetrators. You don’t want to be on the wrong side of history.

And because I don’t believe in writing about depression-provoking topics without providing some sort of relief, here are a few ways to take action:


For a larger and more comprehensive list of ways you can take action online and offline, check out this handy list HERE.

Palestinians have been able to breathe again since the ceasefire. This is a little victory in a long journey towards freedom and equality, but actions you take can help bring peace a little sooner.
I would love to hear your thoughts and perspectives–especially if you have any questions or disagree with anything. (I even kept anonymous open–come at me~)
(oh p.s. I do reserve the right to delete racist/offensive/crude/unproductive comments)
See you in the comments!


P.S. yes, we had quite a bit of fun with this shoot + location.
P.P.S. If you still don’t feel comfortable talking about this issue in the comments, feel free to note how awesome this abandoned construction site is that we accidentally stumbled upon in Morocco.
P.P.P.S. yes, I almost fell into it a few times.


Less of an actual outfit shoot than more of a hey-look-what-I-wore-to-a-200+-year-old-historical-monument-actually-oh-wait-this-is-also-what-I-wear-to-everything-I-really-just-wanted-to-slowly-start-sharing-photos-from-Iran-because-there-are-too-many.
so. yeah.
Location: آق اویلر , Iran | Photos: Hadi | Scarf: Gifted | Blouse: Thrifted (heh, that rhymed) 
Usually when I go to Iran, I end up being a horrible repeat-outfit offender, wearing the same long/oversized shirt day after day until I ruin it. In Iran, along with a mandatory Hijab (for those of you who missed my post on what the Hijab is and why I choose to wear it, you can check that out here), women also need to wear long clothing that at least raches halfway between your waist and knees (called montos). (I’ll talk specifically on why these rules are in place when documenting Iranian streetsyle because the women would actually be following the rules so I’ll have clear visuals, unlike myself). In the USA, it is rather difficult to find said tunic-shirt that not either a dress or horribly ugly(/see-through/sheer/cutout-ed). Luckily I found this (mens) button-down shirt at a thirft store that, when left untucked, goes down just past my rear, so it is the closest thing that I own that would sort of work. I still try my best to walk quickly and avoid eye-contact with the police (so far it’s working!). (Although to be honest, I don’t see them ever ticketing me for this).
When I’m not climbing on ancient buildings I’m sitting behind a desk drinking the best coffee ever and wearing a monto (one of the few I just bought) because in the work-place, montos are definitely more professional than an oversized thrifted shirt.
Hope you enjoy the photos! These are all taken atop a mountain in northern Iran (shomal). I’ll be publishing a mini-documentation of Iran via photos in the next few days so stay tuned! In the meantime I’ve been posting quite a bit on my Instagram of my travels and adventures and you can take a peek (and follow!) here
Have a lovely Thursday!


Hooray for the first shoot Alex and I took in Morocco!
I have to admit, it took a bit of time before we could get our first shoot done because a) we already were stared at a bit over my comfort level so I wasn’t exactly the most excited to prance around in front of a camera and draw even more unnecessary attention/give people an actual reason to stare sooo I had to first get over that. (This shoot was taken right around Iftaar time, when everyone had scurried home to break their fast) (Per my request, of course–Alex’s first choice was in the middle of the busiest intersection probably of all of Rabat…) But I promise that, based on the last shoot we did in Morocco, I’ve improved quite a lot at pretending like I don’t see the families looking down at us from their pointed-arch-shaped windows.
The first week, contrary to what I had majoritily (my computer is telling me that this is not a real word?) packed, I dressed in rather dark colors and little patterns. We can thank Air France for that.
When arriving in the Casablanca airport I had to patiently wait through a married 30-year-old man offering to show me around, a sort of embarrassingly large language barrier, and groups of kids trying to sell me discounted taxi rides, only to figure out that my luggage has not yet arrived (and still would not for about 3 or so more days to come)!
During this time Alex and I were just ticking for a shoot, as we had not shot together for quite a bit, and so she so graciously loaned me some clothing for the day and decided why not? Stepping out of your comfort zone is part of the fun of fashion, afterall~                                                                                                                        

Location: Rabat, Morocco | Photos: Alex | Cardigan: Borrowed | Shirt: Borrowed | Jeans: H&M

P.S. No, I did not get a new drawstring purse–those are Alex’s lenses (we didn’t think it would be the wisest ide to leave them laying around, plus they sort of add to the look, no? hehe) but they would make a sweet wristlet!
P.P.S. There are a lot of cats! c;


(The ones with an asterisk are socially-responsible pieces from ethical brands!)
Put together a little post to hopefully inspire me while packing to pack less and lighter because at the moment my usual anti-minimalist style is being rather demanding of the non-existent space in my suitcase. (I can always tell which of the indefinite number of black suitcases is mine because it is always that one that is bulging at the seams, ready to explode (and then I end up not wearing half of the things I brought). But this time I’ve challenged myself to pack only what is necessary: basics like the picks above that are so easy to put together in so many different ways (and of course, a favorite light-blue button up). Not to mention the fact that I am traveling to Africa and the Middle East so the temperatures will not exactly be necessitating a plethora of layers, so that’s in my favor, as well~ 
What does your summer wardrobe look like? Do you have any packing tips for a struggling over-packer? I’d love any advice! 
Happy Friday!
P.S. A few lovelies reached out to me saying that they were unable to leave a comment. If this is the case for you, I’d still love to hear from you and you’re more than welcome to send me an email with your thoughts (and in this case, advice)! 


In this Oklahoma humidity, wearing anything more than a pale-colored, paper-thin blouse will weigh you down. (Not to mention, as a hijabi, receiving incessant comments of  “omg I’m so sorry you have to wear that on your head in this weather–are you hot in that!?”) Thankfully though, these past few days the weather has calmed down a bit and refrained from peaking over 90F! Which means I run out of excuses to stay indoors and complain about the weather and instead get to run around the suburb’s “downtown” (literally a two-street stretch of old diners) (#sorrynotsorry) with my brother (who never fails to make me laugh while shooting). 
Haneif also made a trip back home so it has been so nice to have the whole family together under one roof again (which, for you means another forced menswear shoot with the broskies, so stay tuned!) Check out the last shoot we all did together, here

Photos: Hadi | Location: Downtown Edmond (lol) | Hijab: Etsy | Blouse: Forever21 | Sandals: c/o Zappos

T-3 days until I leave for Morocco!

P.S. Don’t forget to enter to win $100 Target giftcard here!



Hah, remember that time that I pretended like I was going to try to edge toward the empty land of minimalism? Yeah…whoops. (I’ll try again another time?)
Regardless, I fell sort of in love with this dress gifted to me by MartofChina a little online store based in Shanghai, and quickly relapsed back into my usual game of how-many-patterns-can-you-wear-at-once-and-not-look-like-unicorn-vomit. Mostly, I was drooling a bit over the back (it’s so lovely!)

Speaking of minimalism, this blouse was also worn recently for what I thought was the start of a minimalist transition (which obviously didn’t happen) in this look and quickly found its way back on my shoulders to create something completely different. Ah, fashion~

Although, yes, yesterday’s post was not untruthful–lately, I have been dressing rather lightly–this look was actually put together when I was back in Chicago, but what with finals I didn’t have time to shoot until I came home! So, the darker tones and pattern clashes that I usually wear in Chicago were still lingering in this look. I’ll be running around the town with my brosky soon so you can see the more Oklahoma influence in my next outfit post! xx

Vogue Cutout Back Floral Print Tank Dress for Lady

Photos: Hadi | Location: Oklahoma | Cutout Dress: c/o MartofChina | Grid Blouse: c/o Persunmall | Floral and Bird Pattern Bomber Jacket: c/o Persunmall | Cutout Boots: c/o Zappos | Rings: H&M

P.S. That promised giveaway is coming up *possibly* tomorrow so get excited! xx
P.P.S I know you’re just dying of curiosity so I’ll go ahead and say it–the plants to my right are fig bushes!
Happy Thursday!


Currently existing in a rather calm mood even though I’m set to travel across the globe in about a week and a half (hello, Morocco and Iran)! And in this 3-week period after the mess of final exams and before the larger mess of packing, my lungs are slowly expanding and I need to remind myself that I can actually breathe. Along with journaling (although lately less so on paper than just in my mind) and overdosing on berries and fruit, lately I’ve been living in the same soft light button up because I can’t quite come up with a better reason to change my clothes or do something productive (hence the lack of blog posts). But today I finally put a long-overdue shoot together that will be up tomorrow–it’s actually quite the contrast to my daily wear above, as I put it together back in Chicago before coming home–but more on that tomorrow. I’ve also been reflecting quite a bit recently and going through the whole mid-college crisis that I’m sure isn’t too abnormal c; In any case, I’m excited to grow and explore this summer, and will try not to be anxious about my next several years to come~
Happy Wednesday!
P.S. Anticipate a few little tweaks to the blog layout in the next few days! xx
Until tomorrow~ 


Wow. My apologies for not posting in over a week! This has definitely been the longest I’ve gone without tending to this growing part of my life, and apologize for my absence! There have been a few changes in my life recently and I am welcoming this new chapter with open arms. I’ve changed minors, people, feelings, and general philosophies on life. One of which is relevant to you all–I’m *finally* finished with final exams, hooray! This means that I am back in this blogging game! But since it’s summer break, this means JooJoo Azad 2.0! I’m going to be doing a bit of traveling this summer and can’t wait to take you along! xx

Currently, the weather in Chicago has been awfully moody, (today was actually freezing!) and so I’ve gone back to playing with layering, but used all light fabrics and colors that keep the humidity out and that match my mood (which is currently something along “spring cleaning” but for my thoughts?) (It makes sense, trust me)

OH! And ahah oh my you’ll never believe where this is shot–actually, I am convinced you won’t be able to guess–the lighting was so beautiful and the walls so white–it’s so unexpected! Haha if anyone can correctly guess where this is I’ll host a giveaway with a fun brand, deal? c; hehe

Location: (secret! hehe!) | Boots: c/o Zappos | Necklace, Crop top: Forever 21 | 
White Blouse: Zara | Jeans: DIY | 
Happy Thursday! xx
P.S. Does this look still count as minimalism? c; 
P.P.S Check back tomorrow for a Father’s Day gift guide of ethical gifts!


I’ve been waiting so long to be able to say this…are you ready!? AHH I still can’t believe it, but…….
 It is hot in Chicago!
Just typing those words is such a weird feeling as I feel like most of the time on my blog I’m complaining about the endless winter and sub-zero degree weather, so much that I forgot what it feels like to stand outside without a jacket and feel warm. Ah, what a beautiful feeling! (Also, took long enough)! 
This warmth is also rather favorable and encouraging of my attempt to transition to minimalism, as nothing feels better in thick humid air and blinding sunshine than light ‘n breezy fabric and simple shapes. And as a Muslim woman who covers my body, thin button-up shirts and dark-washed jeans are basically the easiest and most comfortable thing to wear in said weather! 
What is your warm-weather uniform? (unless you live in Chicago/north pole (interchangeable) you probably have more experience dressing for warm weather!)
These white sandals were also recently sent to me by Zappos (thank you!) and they basically have oh-so-quickly claimed the title of my feet’s best friend. Unlike most sandals that are so thin you sometimes forget you’re wearing shoes, these babies are incredible comfortable. Definitely recommend! 
Oh! Also! If you remember my horror story in my last outfit post about getting caught on the roof, then you remember saying that I had to re-scout out a new location and here is an alternative option! The lighting wasn’t as ideal so it required a bit more post-production editing to lighten up, so I might have to move again…what do you think of the new location? 🙂 
Location: Logan Center, UChicago | Sandals: c/o Zappos | Plaid Blouse: Nordstrom | Jacket: Forever21
P.S. If you haven’t already, I encourage you to join the Blog Hop about sharing personal narratives! I would so love to learn more about you! xx
P.P.S Happy Friday! For my fellow comrades on the quarter schedule at the university–only 15 more days until freedom! Hooray! So excited for summer!

P.P.P.S: Also, be sure to check out (and heart!) this post on TeenVogue! teenv.ge/RMp2Ce



I got lost, got caught, and fell in love. What a day!
If you follow my Instagram at all, you’ve probably noticed two things: I was stopped by administrators climbing roofs, and that I run on Persian time. The latter because I took a quick sneak peek snap of a few details from this outfit, mentioning that it would be up Friday, and only just got around to publishing these photos today! (My apologies but I hope you learned your lesson about trusting my time calculations hahah c;)

Depending on how long you’ve been reading, you may have noticed this spot as one of my favorites roofs to shoot on (example A and example B) because it is so isolated–the building itself is usually always vacant, quiet, and has a beautiful view (read: perfect)! This particular day, though, to my dismay, my usual route to the roof was locked…as were all of the other buildings on campus. (Yes, I still refuse to shoot with a tripod on the ground/not a roof). After finding one unlocked building on the other side of campus, I somehow climbed, tunneled , got lost, and staired (can this be a verb?) for a good hour until I somehow made it to my roof!

And of course, the second I finished setting up my tripod, I decided to stupidly look over the ledge and make eye contact with a professor who, after taking a double take, without hesitation unlocked the door the building and ran up to where I was (in the meantime while waiting for his hurried footsteps to reach mine, I took this Insta photo!) (Oh and relevant tidbit: UChicago is not a fan of roof-goers).. Long story short, I managed to talk my way out of it, but let’s just say that I might be taking a short hiatus from this roof–on to explore new ones!

Oh! Right, and I fell in love with a little garden I accidentally stumbled upon whilst looking for an unlocked building (sorry to get your hopes up hehe)!

This beautiful grid blouse was gifted to me by Persunmall, and it fits so perfectly! It is so light (and transparent!) and also has a nice little collar which I accidentally managed to cover up in all the photos (whoops!) but you can see it here! My roommate loves it so much she has already claimed it as her own!

Also this is my stab at this thing called “minimalism” that I always so miserably fail at~

Location: Shhh | Grid Shirt: c/o: Persunmall | Dress: Forever21 | 
Rings: H&M | Bracelet: Gifted | Boots: c/o: Zappos
P.S. Eeep! Getting close to reaching a 3000 readers on Bloglovin! You all are the best, thank you!
If you haven’t already, you follow here! { F o l l o w  O n  B l o g l o v i n }
Also decided to start being active on LookBook, 
and you can check that out here! {L o o k B o o k}
If you don’t have a LookBook account I highly recommend it–
it’s one of my biggest sources of fashion inspiration from well-dressed peeps around the world! 